Tulips Greeting Card
We'll ship to any location in the US for a flat fee of $8. (We'll cover the rest if it's more, and we'll refund the difference if it's considerably less.) Orders are typically shipped via UPS or USPS Priority Mail within a day or two of receiving your order. If you would prefer to pick up your order in person (for no fee, of course), choose that option at checkout.RETURN POLICY
If an item arrives damaged or defective in some way, please contact us right away so we can make it right. For detailed information on our return policy, follow the link at the bottom of this site.OUT OF STOCK ITEMS
If you're interested in an item marked Out of Stock (or if you wish to purchase more than we have available online), feel free to contact us at gezellighome@gmail.com. We may have more in the store or be able to restock quickly.